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Sources and Types of Waste:
  • Waste is classified by the Dubai Municipality as follows:
    • General waste - A. Domestic waste - It includes food wastes paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles, leather, yard wastes, wood, glasses, tin cans, aluminum, other metals, household special wastes, etc
    • General waste - B. Bulky waste - Waste materials which cannot be appropriately placed in normal waste containers because of either its bulky size, shape or other physical attributes. E.g. large worn-out or broken household /commercial furniture, lamps, bookcases, filing cabinets, consumer electronics, appliances, furnitures, white goods, etc
    • General waste - C. Institutional Commercial Industrial (ICI)- Non-hazardous solid waste. E.g. waste paper. cardboard, plastics, wood, food wastes, glass, metals, special wastes
    • Construction and demolition waste
    • Horticultural waste
    • Hazardous waste

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In line with Dubai Municipality specifications, it is required that the cleaning and disinfection process for retail operations are intensified to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Establishments are to follow the below guidelines:

Salons/Personal Care Centres:
  • Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection on the following:
    • Entrance door handles
    • Waiting chairs/bench/sofa/table
    • TV remote control
    • Any ready material (newspaper etc)
    • Haircutting chairs
    • All cutting tools/material/equipment
    • Hand and hair basins
    • Personal hygiene
    • Cabinets/drawers/shelves
    • Washroom (door handles/water taps etc
  • Availability of hand sanitisers and hand wash liquid and ensure handwashing before and after each service
  • Refer to Dubai Municipality External Circular - (DM-PH&SD-CR1)


Food Establishments:
  • Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection on the following:
    • Cash counter and pay machines
    • Dining tables and chairs
    • Menus, touch screen and bill folders
    • Elevator switches/buttons
    • Washrooms
    • Soap and towel dispensers
    • Equipment and door handles
    • Shopping carts
  • Ensure frequent handwashing with soap amongst staff
  • Availability of hand sanitisers at different areas
  • Refer to Dubai Municipality External Circular – (DM-PH&SD-5)


Fitness Centres:
  • Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection on all human contact surfaces:
    • Entrance door handles
    • Waiting chairs/bench/sofa/table
    • Reception area
    • Entry and exit barriers
    • Locker areas
    • Changing room and washrooms/toilets
    • All equipment/furniture/tools/counters
    • Vending machines/coffee machines
  • Availability of hand sanitisers and hand wash liquid
  • Refer to Dubai Municipality External Circular – (DM-PH&SD-CR9)


  • Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection on the following:
    • Door handles
    • Waiting chairs/bench/sofa/table
    • Cabinets/drawers/shelves/surfaces
    • Washrooms
    • Hanging and packing means
    • Transportation means for delivery
  • Availability of hand sanitisers at different areas
  • Labour should seek medical care right away once flu-symptoms have developed
  • Adhere to declared specifications in the Guideline of Laundries related activities
  • Refer to Dubai Municipality External Circular (DM-PH&SD-17)



For all the establishments mentioned above, all cleaning and disinfection operations should be documented including a list of disinfectants used

If a case an infectious disease is suspected the following authorities should be contacted:

  • Ministry of Health and Prevention (80011111)
  • Dubai Health Authority (800342)
  • Estijaba Service (Operation Centre - Department of Health) (8001717)
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  • Before using the ladder, a pre-use check should be performed to check for any visual defects by the user.
  • The following checks should be performed:

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The fire prevention triangle


  • A fire needs three elements – heat, oxygen and fuel
  • Without heat, oxygen and fuel a fire will not start or spread. To prevent fires – ensure to remove one or more of the elements

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Signage play a vital role in providing information and enabling occupants to easily find exits during emergencies.