45_shutterstock_730482907 HSE Corner: Making Arrangements for First Aid, Accidents and Ill Health

First Aid

Under UAE Law, every employer must have first-aid arrangements in the workplace.

Employers are responsible for making sure employees receive immediate attention if they are taken ill or are injured at work. Accidents and illness can happen at any time and first aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries from becoming major ones.

The arrangements will depend on the particular circumstances in the workplace and you need to assess what your first-aid needs are in line with Federal Law No 8 for 1980, Chapter V (The Labour Law).

As a minimum, you must have:

  • a suitably stocked first-aid box, the contents of which are stated clearly in Ministerial Order No (32) for 1982, Article (4);
  • an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements; and
  • information for all employees giving details of first-aid arrangements.

It is recommended that every employer has a company first-aider. This is someone who has been trained by a competent first-aid training provider registered by the UAE Ministry of Health.


Accidents and Ill Health

Under UAE Law, employers must report and keep a record of certain injuries, incidents and cases of work-related disease.

Keeping records will help to identify patterns of accidents and injuries and will help companies when completing a risk assessment. Companies must ensure they protect employees' personal details by storing records confidentially in a secure place.


Get Insurance for Your Business

An insurance company may want to see records if there is a work-related claim.

If a business has employees, it will probably need employers’ liability insurance. If an employee is injured or becomes ill as a result of the work they do for you, they can claim compensation.

As long as employers have taken reasonable steps to prevent accidents or harm to employees and followed the law they shouldn’t have to pay compensation.

However, if a court finds the employers liable, employers’ liability insurance will help to pay any compensation for the employees’ injuries or illness.


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